Family Constellations
Family / systemic constellations is a therapeutic approach designed to help reveal the hidden dynamics in a family or relationship.
This alternative approach supports viewing the concern from a different perspective than with traditional therapy.
The unique element of this work is that the factors around an issue or challenging relationship are externalized and explored.
“I am convinced that Constellation Work, with its systemic worldview and the gift of the opportunity to stand as a representative in a constellation, is one of the most relevant and important tools to support us as we navigate our evolution into our future. I am convinced because I have stood in powerful constellations, and I’ve had the felt experience of being guided to unexpected resolutions by some unseen hand, of knowing that we are parts of a larger whole, of knowing that, in one sense, we are not individuals, but rather human systems of relating, of knowing that the Here and Now contains both the past and the future, undivided.
I have experienced deeply held beliefs transform in minutes and hate and fear and frozen hearts dissolve,
Entanglements can be undone.
Love can prevail.”
Hunter Beaumont, one of the early supporters of Family Constellations, a collaborator and co-author with Bert Hellinger.
He helped bring the work to the English speaking world.
Have you ever wondered why:
You tend to want to help others but can't receive help?
You often feel out of place or don't belong?
You find yourself struggling with a repeating dynamic in your relationships?
You are challenged with a new role in your life - newly pregnant?
Let's constellate!
Issues that can be explored:
New role as mother/father/parent
Challenging relationship with child / partner
Belonging, separation, loneliness, isolation
Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Grief
Addictions, habits, obsessions, phobias
Relationship patterns, family, work, friendships
Family dysfunction
Trauma, physical illness,
Inter-generational issues