Craniosacral Therapy
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, calm, hands-on method of supporting the underlying health of the body even when challenges are present. After an exploration defining the intention the client has for the session, the practitioner attunes to the nervous system, complementing the body's natural healing process.
BCST practitioners understand how an optimally functioning healthy nervous system performs. I trained for years on how to use acute perception skills to perceive subtle physiological changes. I am also aware of the energetic map that underlies one's basic health and symptoms.
I believe that health is never lost no matter what the ailment.
I use my ability to identify the parts of the nervous system that are not functioning optimally and utilize my awareness of the "always available health" in the body to assist the system in bringing itself back into balance.
CST for Infants can address:
A challenging birth
Infant's head is misshapen
Infant is "fussy", "grunty", or seems unhappy
Infant looking mainly one way
Breastfeeding challenges
Tongue or lip tie*
Torticollis, plagiocephaly
Sleep concerns
Bonding and attachment
Colic, reflux, constipation
*Check out this interesting article & podcast about tongue tie
CST for Adults can address:
An imbalance in the nervous system
Anxiety or depression
Chronic pain
Coping with changes
Examining one's own birth and early life challenges
Mood fluctuations
Hormonal imbalances
Assisting with healthy conception
Providing support for physical and emotional challenges during pregnancy