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Family Constellation *Nervous System Health * Birth Inheritance Series

Were you labeled as anxious?

Or maybe depressed?

A difficult child?

Or such a good kid?

Maybe all of the above?

Bring your creativity and curiosity as we explore the multi dimensional wonder of our nervous systems.

Together we will support each other as we learn more about ourselves and why we experience others and the world the way we do. Some of it is inherent (naturally a part of us) and some of it is inherited (passed down from our parents, and their parents, and theirs . . .)

Systemic and Family Constellations provides us a wonderful tool to feel into and discover parts of the systems we were born into and grew up adapting to.

April 27

Family Constellation * Healing the Mother Wound * Birth Inheritance Series

August 24

Family Constellation *Differentiating Me From You* Birth Inheritance Series