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Family Constellation - Impact of Immigration

Has immigration impacted you and your life?

You are invited to join us as we support someone get more clarity about their family.

In the work of Family Constellations we have the opportunity to dis-cover, un-cover, reveal the hidden loyalties of the systems we were born into and have more conscious awareness and choice about who and what we want to be loyal to today. The process offers support and an honoring of the ways of our ancestors.


Family Constellations work looks at the system from a different perspective can help clarify or release roles and restore relationships. The work honors and respects each member of the system and what role they may have taken on that may involve loyalty or entanglements that challenge some or all members of the system.

This powerful healing modality allows you to explore family dynamics, ancestral patterns, and personal issues in a supportive group setting.

Whether you're new to constellations or have attended before, this event offers a safe space for deep healing and insight. Connect with like-minded individuals and gain a new perspective on your life's challenges.

What is a Family Constellation?

Family Constellations is a therapeutic method that supports the client in gaining insight into why they are challenged in their present day lives. This could be a physical symptom like sadness or confusion about identity, feeling like you don’t belong, or a sense of being stuck in life.
Group members support the client/seeker by representing individuals of a family system offering new insights and perspectives and often revealing elements that have been hidden or excluded from the system, sometimes for generations. There may be unconscious loyalties to past events or ancestors that when brought to light can give us a newfound freedom.

We will do short introductions, then, we will do a personal constellation for one client who has already registered.

Participating in others' constellations can offer powerful insights.
We all benefit from experiencing someone accessing more balance in their system.

October 19

Family Constellation - Exploring Loyalty

March 9

Family Constellations * Releasing Others’ Burdens * Birth Inheritance Series